Thursday, December 26, 2013

The Blog You've All Been Waiting For....!

Hong Kong...some hour of the night...some day of the week, yes, this is where we shall start. For some reason, I cannot get over the 'smoking rooms' that line the main corridors of the Hong Kong Airport. These are basically dark, prison of rooms that engulf you with the stinging fumes of smoke from the moment you open the door. I have now been sitting here thinking about it for two hours, and counting. Then when I have no other thoughts about them, I walk past a smoke room and let those wheels spin yet again. Strange the things you do in airports...

The days journey started on a 15 hour leg from Chicago to Hong Kong, where I currently sit, with my partner in crime, Mariana. My movie marathon helped to speed things up and my neighbor on the flight, Grandma Anna. We had a nice long chat about China as it is her  birth country, her Grandson Leo, her family. were brought out of te wallet. It was intense. She was cute. By now, I think it's safe to say that I cannot go anywhere without making a friend. We already planned to see each other on the same flight in a year...or so.

So now we wait for the final 7 hours of our journey to the land down undah (sounds more dramatic).

Real time fast forward, as everything I just told you about Hong Kong being my current situation- is a lie. At the moment , I'm sitting at bondi cafe, in bondi beach Sydney. Yes, Australia. I'm here. I just finished my first day of work. I don't think I have had a real job in over two months. Babysitting does not count. That's moreso just torture. Let's get real. So back to the story. Here today, sipping coffee (third one f the day- i do not have a problem, hush), journaling about why I haven't started my blog, so I decided to start my blog. Moreso, begin where I left off- at the beginning!

It's funny to re-read my procrastination. How convwnient that google even provides a time stamp so I am able to see just how much of a procrastinator I have truly been!  I do remember that I was delerious upon writing the first entry (shown above). It didn't feel real or right yet. It was just jibber jabber to be able to say that " LOOK EVERYONE, I STARTED A BLOG!!" even if the most of it was rubbish.

What a journey it has been, and continues to be, daily. Let me take you on a  quick break down of what you can see, and will see, in a typical Australian day, as id like to call it:

• Starts in the house, you cannot find the light switched, anywhere, and when you do, it takes at least a half a minute for it to come

• Toilets. There will be broken toilets.

• When greeted by others, you're normally asked " how are you going?" Normally, enroute confused one would answer " good, home?" This translates in English as " how are you doing," a verb, to be- how are you being. Better answer than good house.

• Next, someone pays you some sort of favor. You kindly thank them. Their response, " that's ok." You itch your head, thinking to yourself" Did I say something wrong?"

• You're hungry, and decide you want sushi. You order a roll. Stop there. Just cancel the order and walk away. It's just not worth getting fourteen different versions of the wrong roll you initially ordered. Carry on.

• If there is a nickname to anything, use it. How do you find the nick name? Chop off everything but the first three letters. Make sure it sounds ridiculous.

• You already have a short name? Add twelve letters that are floating around that were chopped from long names. Get the drift?

So you're thirsty for a beer, no? "Would you care for a pot or a pint? A pint. Oh, a pint of pines? Or a pot of pines?" Are you confused?

Bogans are from Logan. Nowadays, can be found on public transport.

Broken toilets. There will be broken toilets.