Tuesday, January 19, 2016

the travesty in our illusions

If we all saw each other as one, as ourselves, we wouldn't be so shocked when someone else has a good idea.

We would be so shocked when someone else understands something we don't.

We wouldn't be so shocked when someone who ranks lower than enlightens us to something we hadn't seen before.

We are all amazing. We are all capable of amazing things.

It's a travesty that we still build these walls, walls that separate I from you, I from nature, you from I.

And we continue to build those walls, day after day.

If we could only realize that all we need is to love ourselves, and be our main man, we wouldn't seek so hard in our outer environment for the sheer glance of recognition from another. The life force, the energy, the control, the spirit and love that we give away from our own selves when we lead our lives in this way only throws stones at our glass empire. We are left in the rubble, broken and stained, wondering what else we could have done, what else we could do for that half second of acknowledgement that will never serve as a solid infrastructure to our stained glass temple.

Dust yourself off.

Pick up the shattered pieces and allow the sunlight to blast the dark shadows of failure and hurt out of them, releasing them back into the swirling blue skies. Let them go home. Accept all that didn't serve you, and rewire those light energies into your soul as yet another splatter of your own blood, a long stream on a wave of a single inhalation. Take it all in. It's all you. You were meant to be the bearer of each and every stain that has been painted onto your glass. For if one panel was missing, there would be no temple, no empire, no you.

Embrace all that which is light, and spread that light into the darkness. Fear not love.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

bringing to light that which is in the dark

We put too much esteem in places and spaces that which we have limited or no understanding in regards to. Just because you are able to regurgitate an idea, a phrase, an overheard something from one arvo in a cafe, does not mean that you understand what you are saying.

This has been a humbling realization to me. I may "know" something for years, but then one day, an implosion of the mind and a fluttering epiphany leave me in a dusty cloud of "I get it."

So we cling on to the things, weaving them into our identity, fumbling over our words when what we are saying and what we are telling someone are two completely different things. Blind speech.

This is just one conversation out of the three some billion that happen a day. Put that all into one huge melting pot, and we've got ourselves in a kettle of 'what the fuck are we talking about' stew. And the people continue to eat it up, and regurgitate it on to the next soul.

Since what we are feeling, saying and thinking-let alone are we truly listening- all get immeshed into projections, throw at others, thrown at the world. Then the world becomes this big scary place that we need to hide from, because everyone has it out for us-no one can be trusted. Little do we realize that it is our own energies that have not been addressed. We haven't put our own own fuses so we pass it along like wild fire, as we seek to find shelter and safety in the hammock of loving arms of someone who completes us.

What would happen if we increased our self awareness?

What would happen if we realized that what we dislike in others are actually qualities we dislike in ourselves?

What would happen if we were to take all that resides in the dark within us and bring it to the light?

What would happen if we listened to what we were saying, if we were to pause and use our higher conscious to speak, instead of word vommiting for vommiting sake?

What if we were to lead with love, on to every human, flower, piece of paper we come into contact with in this world?

What if?

What's even better is we can. We just have to slow down and try.

the irrelativity of time

Time is an illusion.

For example:

Let's go on a run.

A half hour run.

Time. Thirty minutes. This is truth, right?

Now for each mile you run, let's say you have varying paced miles (whose values don't matter because time is an illusion): 


But none of that matters. 

nor does your mile average that is 9:12. 

Because you still stop running once you have reached 30 minutes. 

So nothing that occurred in-between the parameters of that thirty minute truth (illusion), is real. Because the time you started with wasn't real. 

Even though there were three different variables held in the thirty minute span of time, it didn't change your overall finishing time. These were only a one off calculation of a plausible happening of the within. 

Therefore, it's all bull shit. Let's say you get faster and can reach your end goal, that 30 minute run faster.  But no you can't. Thirty minutes is thirty minutes. It is an illusion that we feed too much esteem into for control sake.

 And the outcome? You may have the ability to reach your destination sooner but will not due to your constrain of a popular illusion called time.