Wednesday, November 4, 2015

stories told.

Wrapped up, snuggled safely in our “story”- this projection that is thrown out into the universe, used to identity ourselves in this vast and scary thing called life.  A story we’ve painted, colors chosen, outlined in familiar expressions; albatross. Hand crafted to fit some paradigm, paralleled within the confines of flashing scenes in waking hours.

Lost. In this story.  Au courant. An insipid cocktail, vehemently caressing our soft palate. Trite.  Rinse, wash, repeat. Humdrum, singing passé melodies, quicksand to our growth; divine sprouting mucked.

Prisoners blanketed in unfolding scenes carefully woven in guile and pointed outlines. Alcatraz. Seduction like saccharine, rose pedals sprinkled twinkling lights effervescently agape to paths ahead.

Characters passing through malleable in shape and form, flitting across turning pages, chapter by chapter,  flowing in and out where seemingly fit, ocean tides changing like seasons, igniting changes red crimson on crisp autumn leaves, tweaking pigments, altering our expressions.

Bathed and dripping in obedience, bleak, jaded, sacrificing unbeknownst to self, possibilities limited, stomped out like coals once ablaze with life effervescent. Lost, in such a reality, staunch in perceived gaze, arm’s length in compass diameter; confined. Foot binding life into three inches-two-one.

We get so wrapped up in that reality, that we forget to look up. To balance, realign and allow the sky in its limitless expansion to humble us, right back down to our toes, tucked into our shoes, body’s infrastructure meeting earth’s. This enables us to see a bigger picture than our limited vision that is self focused. Blue skies, twinkling rays of sun, birds flying. Inhale. Expanding in colors, yellow, and red, smiling green, twinkling purple. Expressions exhale, casting a smile upwards, freeing to what all is.

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