If you cannot see that this election is, in no way, shape or form actually about politics and parties, you're missing the point. It comes down to humans-morals, values, LIFE, and chastising 'such' deemed humans for being born into their skin. To say that we come from "The Land of the Free," is a bunch of poppy cock. Maybe one day this statement was true, and people could believe it; perhaps, forever only to an extent because everyone's definition of freedom looks a bit different. Freedom to be judged if not fitting into the cookie cutter fear laden square that is approved as American. We've recrafted this slogan to look a little more like 'the land of the free to criticize, to wave our chauvenistic flags at main-mast, vehemently in the faces in everyone and everyone that either challenge our beliefs-bring fear to the forefront of our life experience.'
Trump- let's just spare this page of all the things we all already know. I don't want to get carpultunnels typing such nonsense. Simply put-the Trumpster is, the antipode of love, kindness, and progressiveness. Therefore, appealing to a specific type of human whose either a. motivated by fear and aggression; violence, or b. the type of human who is looking to hear everything they want to hear-that America will be restored to "The Land of the Free; the Great," and that jobs will be pulled from the clouds. Both, flawlessly promising. Insert eye roll here.
As you can gather from his past, the political side of things has little but no worth as to where he sits- being a swing state himself- furthermore, proving his intrinsic desire to have power; shocking.
This is where things get even more mind-fucky- his wife, a Slovenian immigrant (ironic) has made it clear that her goals as first lady will be to stand up for women's rights- essentially, being the number one advocate against her own husband's teachings of the American populace, as to how to chiefly degrade women and everyone else that is not a white, straight, American male. Interesting. the whole world how to chiefly violate women. Great team work, guys. In her latest interview with CNN, she preached about her goal-to stand up for women, about how she wanted to ensure that every single child will feel loved and cared for. That kindness and compassion, freedom, understanding and cooperation are of her utmost concern and focus as First Lady. She went as far as to say that it is unacceptable that kids are being mocked, bullied and otherwise on the playground. That we need to find a new way to communicate and respect each other. Maybe she will be the one to knock down the wall Trump builds on the US and Mexican border. What the actual fuck.
The parallel here is that the playground is the world and all the kids-all the humans- are, in fact, being bullied, mocked and incriminated for being who they are. This is an attack on identity. This has nothing to do with politics. What challenges and 'doesnt look like' the pre-approved norm of white, straight man. 't's not just an issue for all of us that can comprehend what is going on; it's much deeper than that. It's a trickle effect that is hurting the souls and identities of children who are slowly grasping what is happening-the new obstacles that have been thrown into their already difficult path. But let's remember to be free and love one another in the midst of being victim to bigotry and sexism. And yet, it's interesting that they, as a team, understand that you cannot fight hatred with hatred. Frankly, they're playing their cards right and each playing into a different part of the psyche- playing into both the moral and the immoral folk. Therefore, everyone will be forced to see the silver lining in some part of the Trump team, ultimately winning power over any and all folks.
One who has never been interested in the political landscape in the slightest, I now find myself at a benchmark in my own exploration thereof. Realizing that lack of participation is just as ineffective as being uninformed. That now, it is ever more important to be in the thick of all that is transpiring, as to gain understanding, awareness and effectively construct a new paradigm- one that is built off of this spoken love, understanding and compassion. It is everyone's due diligence to get on board and start chipping away at the change that which we need to see. That to have freedom, by definition, means being free from power or control over another, we need to cease fear, hatred and violence and allow for every human to be that which that desire. And maybe that is where this new story can begin.
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