Monday, March 16, 2015

En Su Cuerpo

What does it mean to be in and of one’s body? Is it a feeling? A place? Is it a word that can encompass everything you are feeling at an exact moment in time? Is it the way your breath streams in one nostril and gently flows out the other? Does your heart beat a little more slowly, calmly, soundly?  Is it something we run away from, afraid to be found in the dark corners of it’s silence, rawness, vastness?

Is it the silence that’s bore in the hours between the living, the non-accepting and the hiding…?

There’s this flux, this rhythm and balance that surrounds us, for we cannot grasp it; it speaks to us like the wind.

What then is the secret for tapping into this inner word, rhythm, beat, this inner wind? For there is no secret- it’s simply as obvious as being, as breathing.

It takes stopping, and being. Becoming fully present into the limbs of your own tree, rooting and digging your way into your own grounding. A grounding that allows you to take inventory of what is you, what you are.

Shine a light on that. Accept it. Love it. Own it. For no one but you will fully understand the depths, the vastness of your soul.

We are all here on our own path, and agendas. Dare to get dirty in tilling the soil of your own-ness. Feel fully, this life, your journey, en su cuerpo. 


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