Friday, April 10, 2015

this small world.

Here is an article I just published for Kuli Kuli, a company committed to the super food Moringa Oleifera. And frankly, some good tips and words that we all should take to heart! Have a look, take a bite :)


The goal of this life for all of us should be to shorten the bridge, the gap, of cultural understanding, nutrition, and healing throughout the world, and in our own bodies. We are all in this together. The more we know, the more power we have to spread the word with our voice. Mother nature was smart in that regard, she set us up perfectly in the confines of this world to have exactly what we need, t h a t 
i s , if we are quiet enough to listen, and smart enough to look.

We’ve heard it before “food is medicine,” “you are what you eat,” “garbage in is garbage out,” no? These are not just cheeky tag lines. They’re truths. How do I know? Because I’ve tried, listened, observed, and learned. Trial and error. My own diseases. Dis-ease is what happens when we go against what our bodies are telling us, in a body-mind-soul-food, kinda way.  So frankly, by ignoring all signs the body is sending us. 

Dis-ease is a cry for help, a wake up call that you were too out of tune to hear before. It’s the same concept when your body sends you hunger signals. That sensation for nourishment that is so intense it wipes clean the slate of anything else you had on your radar, leaving you solely focused on where your next food source will come from. At this point, believe it or not, it’s already too late. You’re body really, really needs to be fed now. This is the language that our body uses to talk with us; signs through pain and disease. Diseases if we weren’t wise enough to listen sooner, or weren’t sure how to, and pain as a surefire way to raise some red flags.

As you’re beginning to see, most of us don’t understand our foundation, our body. Nor do we “speak” the language it uses to draw or demand attention to itself. Would you believe me if I told you that you actually have the power to give your body exactly what it needs and it’s as simple as a CHOICE? All of the answers are available out there, but we need to start taking owness, responsibility for our own bodies, our own selves.

Today’s intricate and complexly knotted up version of health has so many different pieces that we cannot be expected to make sense of it by diving in with goggles on and sifter in hand. No sir. It’s a whole lot dirtier than this.  

So what we will do here in this series, is begin to peel back the onion, and work together to bridge the nutritional gap of this world and by simplifying what it means to be in this body, your body, so you can finally understand this vehicle that you have taken up residency in. Frankly, too much time has passed in the latter.

Happy exploring!

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