Wednesday, April 1, 2015


I came to this interesting epiphany today after leaving yin yoga class (the kind where you have to sit in those uncomfortable positions for far too long) and that is, that we never have enough time for anything, and furthermore, it is never the “right time” for anything. I find myself, my family and friends using these lines all too often.

Let me delve a bit deeper. In our society of doing more, having more, wanting more, go-more-go, the things we need more of; yoga, meditation, mindfulness, detachment of technology, me time, cultivating of deeper relationships and connectedness, and so forth, are all of things we say we don’t have enough time for. Instead, we choose to complain about the lack of time we have for doing the things we love and make us feel more whole. This yields weight issues, a decrease in happiness and loss of ‘self’, sinking us deeper into a way of life on autopilot. Frankly, in that same breath we claim it’s not the right time to travel, to change out jobs, to end a bogus relationship…then what is it that we want?!

I find this topic fascinating. We pride ourselves on time, time is money, right?! Money for what? Our anxiety medication? Recreational drugs to just get out of this life for a little while?

Have you ever taken a second to think about what it is that you want with your time here?

Every moment you have the choice to say yes to you, your happiness, your relationships, hobbies, travels, to say yes to another moment all for you. 

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